Monday, April 3, 2023

Patreon Photographers

Cher's assignment. to get Kerillian. a much harder task as she tends to fap in teh tree's above.. "click!" OH NO! she heard!.. mission....complete!... Cher was smart enough to use a decoy to get his shots..

karm..on assignment to get bug girl only spoken of by its creator @Cherdak .. staying low in the swampy waters.. CLICK!. he got the shot! but she heard!!.. Luckily Karm scurries away using his lizard water skipping skills..a close call, but got the nude ass pic.

Lyn on assignment to get francine. Climbing the roof of the house,Lynardo was successful in getting some american mom horny shots

Wil.. on assignment to get a photo of Dulce's mom...sadly we havent heard back from him.. there are rumors she puts the fear of goddess into her them permanant rigor mortis .. then they become of her many pleasure toys for eternity...


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