Tuesday, January 3, 2023

kyuubi Sketches nov 2022

it was planning that took weeks! a camping trip during the fall season! Skittles and Dulce having the time of there lives.. Kyuubi.. a little less.. Not realizing these girls brought everything and ktchen sink and put it in his back pack! teh tent seemed to become alive as it took longer than expect to put up especially with his right had still bandaged!! A s night fell, the girls chatted by fire... kyuubi.. feeling defeated and cold.. like a puppy in shock after being left outside.. The girls decided to "warm things up" for kyuubi.. as they kiss under the night stars.. they invite kyuubi to the tent. First giving him a handy to distress all he did for the campsite. followed by some peen worship to make sure he felt appreciated.. it was a ménage à trois to remember!

many havent seen this issue of Night Spider..maybe the pages were stuck together? any horny symbiote wants to have some fun with humans..but only those with super strength can go all night with the powerful anti-hero..Using his tendris, they make use of all her holes.. yuummm..

During the Quiz, Skittles was holding her own test for Kyuubi, an edging test! Forced to focus while getting a handy and answer quiz questions on time, and just as the quiz finished!...skittles stopped!.. Kyuubi's peen throbs being at the edge..Skittles prepares to ride for the finish, Dulce doesnt get an answer on chat due to kyuubi being on edge.. xD


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