Thursday, September 1, 2022

Kyuubi - July 2022

the javelin salad toss winners Naestra & Arahan aka Sisters of Twilight, Estelle and Seige from the Arknight franchise had an after party event! gotta massage the muscles so you get no cramps! Luckily there were some cameras in the locker room!

1 Week before Karms birthday: Skittles and Dulce have finally completed the formula. Yet they needed a subject to make sure it work. i.e.- Subject 69 Kyuubi. drink easily guzzled down. subject began mutliple burps, 30sec later, Garun Kyuubi mon was morphed. the transformation was perfect, he grew 4x his size....but we were to early in celebration and i was not able to pull skittles in time... there was a side effect. Hornius-cockus... All i can say is...she passed out with a smile..good god.... what a pounding..


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