Welcome to Channel Dulce! holding the first ever Lewd-lympics! Contestants from around lewd-verse come together to test their skills! First event is the watermelon smash! Not just a normal smash, but they must crush the watermelon while rapid vibrator 3000 is turned on inside their juicy pussies!! Team Wil has selected Kunoichi, Sticker and Dragon Knight and ooooh.. it seems Striker has fallen for the vibration already. there's always next year Striker! Next we have team Lynarto with Ghislaine, Garnet and Eshe. Ghislaine making it look really easy!
Finally Team karm with Diana, Nott the Brave and Rin..aaand.. yup.. i just got confirmation Nott the brave is to small to crush the watermelon she has, but like a good teamate, Diana has taken her melon and proceeds to crush both.... A for effort Nott .. we applaud your tiny green thighs...
THis weeks winners are Ghislaine, Diana and Kunoichi! Congrats ladies! your thighs are deliciously strong, toned.. and as the wise gentlemen once said.. " paints his head like a watermelon to sneak into the competition "...see you three in the finals ladies!

Welcome Welcome!! its Event day 2 for Lewd-lympics,and im your host Dulce! and boy we have a good show for you all! The Javelin Toss!!.. oh wait.. sorry thats a writer error.. Javelin "Salad" Toss! ( butt hole licking for those new to this event ) Its a 2 v 2 challenge.. One gets toss'd, there other does the tossing!!.. Tosser - Can only use their tongue! Toss-e - must hold onto the javelin pole! whomever comes or creams first, loses! Last years winners the Wonder Twins are the duo to beat this year, first to "lick" off, Estelle and Seige! and wow! the flow is close! Just by 5 sec, Estelle was able to make Zan come! Great job holding it in Seige! Same with the Sisters of twilight! Naestra's legendary tongue skills seem true, as Arahan was able to hold out agaisnt Zan.. what a booty-ful battle!

next in line we have Panty and Stocking and ooooh, it seems Stocking just couldnt hold on, that squirt was 20 sec. too early sadly. 10k Ben and Gwen had a strong game, but ooohh nooo... it seems Gwen got too comfortable and thought she was back home... sadly she started fapping her opponent when there is clearly a no hands rule... our first disqualification for tonight.
Our last challengers are the tallest we've had for this event since Diana in the watermelon smash! Mochi the Oni (@ Bubbly_Goblin) and Appuru the supportive boss (@ NoillArt) Appuru must of used her boss experience skills, she set a new world record! It seems Jayna is a lil hesitant as this is the biggest butt she's competed against, MOchi is eager to start-and omgosh!.. this is a first. Mochi's vuluptious butt has just swallowed Jayna!
It seems to be a worthy tactic, as Jayna lil tongue is taking quite a long time to stimulate Mochi. Jayna is nothing but a butt peg for those 5 long minutes, but the long stimulation has given Mochi the greatest feeling in that time.
Ah yes! there it is folks, the ah e gao face of pleasure-hold on..hold on.. oh my! Mochi has clenched her butt cheeks!! while Jayna was still inside!!! oh my my
my..wait..this just in...yes yes, officials have just confirm team Mochi / Appuru has been this disqualified! NOT for the butt clenching an opponent, but Mochi did not hold onto a javelin, it seems her eagerness for some tossing action has cost their team the butt, er booty... the boot!... Our winners today Team Estelle and Seige and the Sisters of Twilight. We have one more event before the finale folks! thank you for tuning in! Same lewd time, same lewd channel- Dulce....good night!..

Finale will be a 2 day event! Winners in the finale: 1. Ghislaine Dedoldia 2. Kunoichi dnf duel 3. Diana from Symphony of War 4. The Sisters of Twilight and 5. Team Estelle and Seige from Arknight! Due to a rain delay, these ladies are all rested, and golly , will they need it, for the Finale.. is... a Pentathon!!! This long endurance event was created by the sex god himself Eros.. the sex-lethe must complete 5 events! first to cross the finish line WINS!! the events consist of fencing, shooting, swimming, cross-country running... and our first obsticle--- riding!!

Aaaand they're off!! As said before the first obstacle is riding, not just any...but against a fleet of horny 9 foot tall minatours. each baring 12 inch long, by 5 inch wide cocks. These bulls are hungry, and do not care which hole they find... these ladies must survive 69 minutes of gang bang bull'ies... >: D 30min. in Kenochi, Ghislaine and Estelle are holding on strong! but it seems our first knock out will be Siege... it seems she has passed out from the bull peens, sadly they will continue until the timer is up! Next is Diana, who you would think to have an advantage due to her size, but this just means twice the cocks for her large muscly frame! the twin sisters of twilight do their best to hang on, but it seems Naestra slowly passing out... its all up to Arahan now. I bet these woodlen elves didnt expect this kind of wood!

The ladies who survived the 69 minutes bully gang bang, slowly trek 100 yards to the next event. Bellys swoll from multiple cream pies, a trail of sea men squirts every few steps, Arahan in the lead. Followed by Estielle, Ghislaine, kunochi and Diana. Diana looks as her size has doubled she took on more bull peens than most! but this is still early in the game! Especially for the swimming pool, full of sea men! xD A special donation from the Futa-parasoul club, where Futa's , fem boys, peen girls help fill the olympic size pool. A constant stream of com will be squirting towards our athletes, every breath of air may resort in a mouth of spunk! Holding their breath is key as they slowy swim the sea men sea. A risky move as Kunochi backstrokes, being face up means more chances on choking on com! Diana gaining some ground back, being so tall, she can actually push off the pool bottom! What an intense battle!... Who Will win!?!?.. we will soon found out.. right after these messages!...

5 ladies drench and filled with com trek to the next event, Peen Shooting! using only their hands they must jack off a cock to hit three targets!each with their own techniques, massage the cocks to get that perfect squirt! uh oh! Ghislaine seems to be having a little trouble hitting the mark! shes falling behind!
Only 4 atheletes continue on to the final obsticle! Fencing!.. Not just any fencing.. but they must suck off 5 peens through a glory circle fence! first to finish 5 wins the pentathon!.. Kenochi and Estielle are "blowing" through the first 3 peens, Diana close behind! Arahan is starting to slow down, or maybe her mask is too constricted for the bigger peens! The final three are going at it! its going to come down to the last slurp!

Estielle, Kenochi and Diana are on their last peens! Oh my gosh!...Estielle is slowing down.. the course is taking its toll as she just lays against her 5th peen. Kenochi and Diana are still slurping away, almost in sync with ever gulp of the peen head tapping their back throat! both go for the final deep throat, Diana somehow it both the peen and balls in her mouth! amazing! Diana has Wooooooon!!! What a photo finish! Diana's body has given out, she lays with a smile on her face! Belly swole and com squirting from all holes, but her muscular body and size has gained her the win today (Dulce note: winner was chosen through random name picker online app, which place names in winning order)